Restorative Range: How Dental Implants Extend Your Lifetime

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 6:31 pm
A large fake tooth with a drawer holding a red alarm clock on a yellow background

If you’re looking for ways to replace your missing tooth, you can’t do much better than a dental implant. This popular treatment is the only restoration inserted directly into your jawbone, so it looks and functions like a natural tooth. This is why these artificial teeth offer unique advantages over alternatives like dentures or dental bridges. Did you know, however, that they can also increase your livelihood?

Keep reading to learn 3 ways that your dental implants can contribute to a longer life!

#1: They Prevent Additional Tooth Loss

Studies have established a connection between losing teeth and developing heart problems. Because cardiac disease is the leading cause of death in our country, that means that there’s also a link to your lifespan. Unfortunately, people who have lost 5 or more teeth by the time they’re 65 years or older are more likely to develop heart issues, diabetes, and osteoporosis, which can shorten your life.

Fortunately, dental implants prevent additional tooth loss because they keep your jaw active and healthy. Usually, when a pearly white falls out, your body reabsorbs some of your jawbone mass that’s no longer needed to support it. In time, it can become so weak that it can no longer maintain your remaining teeth. Your restoration, meanwhile, includes a titanium rod that’s inserted into your jaw and stimulates it every time you bite down or chew. This keeps it strong, so your grin stays intact.  

#2: They Encourage a Well-Balanced Diet

Your teeth play an essential role in your ability to eat because they’re used to mash up your food sufficiently to be easily swallowed and digested. When you have gaps in your grin, you might limit your diet to softer foods that are easier to break down in your mouth. This can cause malnutrition over time because many essential vitamins and minerals come from eating tougher foods like fruits, vegetables, and meaty proteins.

Dental implants fuse with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration, so you can count on them to stay put. That means there are fewer restrictions around food than with other restorations. You’re free to eat a wide range of ingredients that help your body function at its peak. This can stave off risky medical conditions like obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

#3: They Boost Your Confidence

Did you know that how you feel about yourself can impact the length of your life? Those who experience feelings of loneliness or social isolation have been linked to having a higher risk of death. It’s also been reported that people with dental problems are more likely to have depression and anxiety. When you’re worried about how others will perceive you, you’re less likely to want to interact with them. You might try to avoid conversations or remain tight-lipped instead of smiling.

Dental implants are capped with a crown that’s made from a durable, tooth-colored material that matches your natural teeth so no one can tell them apart. With it in place, you won’t have to worry about whether others are judging you or your appearance. It can boost your confidence so much that you can once again look forward to social engagements.

Enjoying a longer, happier life is more than enough reason to consult with your dentist about dental implants today!

About the Practice

At Columbus Dental Arts, people of all ages benefit from a wide range of services provided by two dedicated dentists under one roof. With decades of experience between them, they can handle everything from basic checkups to more complex procedures like dental implants. By combining their compassionate approach with state-of-the-art technology, they can increase treatment accuracy while simultaneously enhancing patient comfort. If you’ve lost a tooth and are looking for a replacement, you’re welcome to request a consultation appointment on the website or by calling (609) 324-9500.