Dental Doubt: Do I Need an Extraction If I’m Not Hurting?

December 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 4:41 pm
Forceps grasping an extracted tooth

A severe or persistent toothache that interferes with your daily life deserves a call to your dentist to book a same-day emergency appointment to address the issue. For example, they can provide a root canal to alleviate discomfort and preserve your troublesome tooth. However, if it’s overly damaged or decayed, extracting it may be the best way to safeguard your smile.

It’s normal to wonder whether removal is necessary if it’s been recommended it but you’re not feeling sore. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons this procedure might be necessary even if you’re not in pain!


Jazzed for Java: When Can I Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

December 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 7:12 pm
Cup of coffee with steam making a heart on tweed next to coffee beans

If you’re like an estimated 67% of American adults, you rely on at least one serving of coffee per day to keep you energized. However, if you have a major upcoming dental procedure, like a tooth extraction, you might have to temporarily sacrifice your daily cup of joe until you’ve recovered. It’s natural to feel frustrated by the change to your routine, but it’s for good reasons!

Continue reading to learn more about when you can safely drink coffee after having a tooth pulled and why it’s wise to wait!
