Columbus Dental Arts Blog

No Pain Means No Root Canal, Right?

February 3, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 8:56 pm
Patient celebrating because her tooth no longer aches

You’ve had a toothache for quite some time now, so naturally you went to the dentist for treatment. They informed you that you needed a root canal treatment, which doesn’t sound pleasant at all. But luck seemed to smile down on you when your tooth suddenly stopped hurting. That means you don’t need the root canal anymore, right?

Not so fast, partner! Your oral health is still in danger, and you should go to your root canal appointment. Keep reading to find out why.


Dental Doubt: Do I Need an Extraction If I’m Not Hurting?

December 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 4:41 pm
Forceps grasping an extracted tooth

A severe or persistent toothache that interferes with your daily life deserves a call to your dentist to book a same-day emergency appointment to address the issue. For example, they can provide a root canal to alleviate discomfort and preserve your troublesome tooth. However, if it’s overly damaged or decayed, extracting it may be the best way to safeguard your smile.

It’s normal to wonder whether removal is necessary if it’s been recommended it but you’re not feeling sore. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons this procedure might be necessary even if you’re not in pain!


Jazzed for Java: When Can I Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

December 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 7:12 pm
Cup of coffee with steam making a heart on tweed next to coffee beans

If you’re like an estimated 67% of American adults, you rely on at least one serving of coffee per day to keep you energized. However, if you have a major upcoming dental procedure, like a tooth extraction, you might have to temporarily sacrifice your daily cup of joe until you’ve recovered. It’s natural to feel frustrated by the change to your routine, but it’s for good reasons!

Continue reading to learn more about when you can safely drink coffee after having a tooth pulled and why it’s wise to wait!


Smile Lies: 4 Myths About Tooth Extractions – Busted!

November 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 12:17 pm
A dentist performing a tooth extraction on a woman

While dentists only extract teeth as a last resort (and for your smile’s benefit), the process doesn’t exactly have a great reputation. Myths about tooth extractions even exist, with many depicting the treatment as awful and scary. However, the rumors and gossip around this removal work are usually false. An extraction from your dentist is just a way to improve your oral health! As proof, consider these four myths about tooth extractions and why they just aren’t true.


How Soon After a Tooth Extraction Can I Get a Dental Implant?

November 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 11:39 am
A young woman revealing an area without a tooth in her lower jaw.

If you’re getting a tooth removed, you likely want it replaced right after treatment. That’s only fair – no one wants to deal with a gap in one’s smile. So, you may have a question before dental work starts: How soon after tooth extraction can you get a dental implant? The good news is that your Columbus dentist can address your concern. To that end, read on to learn how long you should wait to get a dental implant after a tooth extraction.


Visiting an Emergency Dentist without Insurance

October 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 4:26 am

Close up of hand’s counting cashNo one ever expects to need an emergency dentist, but accidents can happen with no warning. Not to mention, the toothache can pop up when you least expect it. Whether you have tooth pain or suffer a dental injury, you can’t wait to see a dentist. If you don’t have dental insurance, don’t panic! You have several solutions to get the quick treatment you need without costing an arm or a leg.


Why Does My Jaw Hurt on One Side?

October 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 3:38 pm
A woman at the dentist holding her jaw in pain.

Sometimes it’s easy to understand why you’re hurting. Whether you stub a toe, get a papercut, or bump your head on a low ceiling, certain discomfort makes sense. But when it comes to unexplained jaw pain, it can be quite alarming, especially if it only occurs on one side. But don’t panic. This type of soreness is usually not a major cause for concern. Here are a few reasons why it happens, and when you should see your dentist about it.


Are Emergency Visits Covered by Dental Insurance?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 10:24 pm
Woman with a toothache

When it comes to receiving affordable oral healthcare, dental insurance is an excellent tool to use. It provides coverage for preventive and restorative care. But what if something unexpected happens? Will your dental insurance plan cover emergency visits? Continue reading to learn more about dental insurance and what you can expect to receive coverage.


Packed and Ready: What Should You Include in a Dental Emergency Kit? 

September 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 9:53 pm
digital tooth and emergency first-aid kit

Having a dental emergency kit packed and ready to go is one of the best ways to ensure greater peace of mind. Being prepared is an essential component of staying calm should a dental injury occur. But what kind of supplies should be included? Before you start buying up what you think might need, find out which items professionals recommend to reduce pain, prevent further harm, and safeguard your smile while waiting to see a dentist.


Does Tooth Sensitivity Require Emergency Care?

August 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — coldentarts @ 10:12 pm
person with tooth sensitivity holding their cheek

Experiencing tooth sensitivity? It can be quite uncomfortable, but it’s important to determine if it requires urgent dental care. Understanding the causes of sensitivity and how to manage it can help alleviate discomfort and let you smile comfortably. Continue reading to find out when tooth sensitivity is considered a dental emergency, learn about common causes, and discover some tips for preventing it.

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